Special Configuration

 Special Configuration

The random http query engine does the following

1. query the search engine specified.
2. extract urls (from 1.)
3. download these urls (from 2.)
4. extract wanted information (from 3.)

This page controls the 4th step

2Word Edit

Word Edit
Specify the word to add and click the Add button

3Add -> button

Add -> button
Add the word to the list. If the webpage contains one of these words, don't extract informations.

4<- Remove button

<- Remove button
Remove the selected word from the list

5Words List

Words List
word to reject

6Spin button

Spin button
Click the arrow to increment or decrement by step

7Result Edit

Result Edit
If software extract more than "x" result on a webpage, it will reject them all

8Directory List view

Directory List view
Save rejected webpages to this directory

9Cancel button

Cancel button
Cancel the special configuration and close this window

9OK button

OK button
Save the configuration and close the window
SearchEvolution Software