Action Definition File For Random HTTP Query

 Action Definition File For Random HTTP Query

This window defines how to extract information in a web page.

1Regular Expression button

Regular Expression button
Choose it to use regular expression to limit the area you want to use to extract url

2Standard button

Standard button
Choose it to use standard expression to limit the area you want to use to extract url

3Http Get Query Edit

Http Get Query Edit
http get query regexp: request server by using dictionary words and extract URLs like specified in URL regexp. each URL found is downloaded and information is extracted with the pattern specied in the "Regular expression to look for specific pattern"

4URL regexp Edit

URL regexp Edit
specify regular expression used to extract url.

5To extract pattern Edit

To extract pattern Edit
pattern to extract information in webpage

6Cancel button

Cancel button
don't keep the setting

7Filename Edit

Filename Edit
Enter the definition filename you want to use to keep the configurations

8Select Filename Button

Select Filename Button
Click it to open a dialog and choose the filename to use.

9Start Result Exp Edit

Start Result Exp Edit
Discard information until the program encounter start result expression.

10End Result Exp Edit

End Result Exp Edit
Discard information after the program encounter end result expression.

11Relative Start Operator

Relative Start Operator
Discard information until the program encounter the specified expression <,<=,=,>,>= word

12Relative End operator

Relative End operator
Discard information after the program encounter the specified expression <,<=,=,>,>= word

13Word Edit

Word Edit
Specify the word in the expression used by the program to discard information until this expression is true

14Word Edit

Word Edit
Specify the word in the expression used by the program to process information until this expression is true

15/i modifier

/i modifier
Do case-insensitive pattern matching (using installed in you system locale settings)
see also InvertCase.

16/m modifier

/m modifier
Treat string as multiple lines. That is, change "^'' and "$'' from matching at only the very start or end of the string to the start or end of any line anywhere within the string, see also Line separators.

17/s modifier

/s modifier
Treat string as single line. That is, change ".'' to match any character whatsoever, even a line separators (see also Line separators), which it normally would not match.


<TODO> Insert description text here... And don't forget to add keyword for this topic

19/x modifier

/x modifier
Extend your pattern's legibility by permitting whitespace and comments (see explanation below).

20/g modifier

/g modifier
Non standard modifier. Switching it Off You'll switch all following operators into non-greedy mode (by default this modifier is On). So, if modifier /g is Off then '+' works as '+?', '*' as '*?' and so on

21/r modifier

/r modifier
Non-standard modifier. If is set then range à-ÿ additional include russian letter '¸', À-ß additional include '¨', and à-ß include all russian symbols.

22Choose button

Choose button
Choose this definition filename for the engine and close the window

23Save As... button

Save As... button
Save the definition filename under another name

24Save button

Save button
save the definition filename modifications
SearchEvolution Software